I think its safe to say many people jump into a fitness program or join the gym for one thing only....results. Then they jump out before they even start. To achieve anything worthwhile it usually takes time. I am reminding myself more and more lately to stay committed to what I’ve started and not give up on myself. The other day I opened a vitamin c drop that has little words of encouragement on the wrapper (sorta like a fortune cookie) and it said that very thing, don't give up on yourself. I was like woah, that's just what I needed to hear!
I'm all about getting results, and I want my clients to get results more than anything. I see the most success working with people who are actually enjoying what they are doing and have a plan with some sort of direction. When they start focusing on the end result only it takes all the fun out of the journey. I see this over and over with clients trying to reach a fitness goal. Usually it is to alter body composition. The scale doesn't move quick enough, or it does just in the opposite direction. The focus is so set on what the scale says or even the image seen in the mirror. The actual process of getting there becomes a drag. Defeat will set in very quickly if the focus is on the result alone. Or you might get there, but the satisfaction is short-lived. Personally, when I find myself going through the motions that's a red flag.
My eyes were opened up to this while coaching a high school tennis team. My assistant pointed out how most of the kids were not enjoying being out on the court playing, but were so concerned with the score and where they fell in the bracket “They aren't enjoying a single bit of this!” he would tell me and then walk off with his hands up. It made me think, am I living in the moment, or am I consumed with my laundry list of responsibility outside of enjoying a beautiful day and encouraging the team to be the best that they can be? I remember taking a moment, sitting back and taking a deep breath. I decided to actually start enjoying what I was doing.
A couple weeks ago I was reading an article in ADDvantage magazine on being a good doubles partner, even though I definitely prefer singles over doubles I thought I'd see what it had to say. After all, I am committed to a doubles league this fall so I guess I should try to be a decent partner. It had some really good points about relationships in general. To step up and do your best if the other person is struggling, build confidence in your partner, and don't coach your partner during the match because it leads to tension. To relay a strategy reference it to yourself, example would be that you have noticed its better to hit a passing shot down the middle rather than going for a more difficult shot down the alley. Its all about taking responsibility, trusting your partner, and being willing to do more than your fair share.
Insert from 'How to Become a Good Doubles Partner':
I hope by now you're realizing that the same things that make you a good spouse or friend also make you a good tennis partner. The willingness and desire to do more than your fair share, to share the credit and the blame, and stay calm under pressure are the keys. Wanting a result too much will make this even more difficult. If what you are seeking is to be able to fulfill your potential on a regular basis, short-term thinking and focusing on results rather than the process will never get you there and will make it much harder to connect with the other person.
I see so many people who look (and act) unhappy when they are playing matches. The only moment that matters to them is the moment the match ends. That will determine whether they will have relief or sorrow. In all my years of playing I have met very few players who truly love every minute of competition, regardless of the score or the result. But, those who do are the best partners. Work toward that goal and make your tennis experience much more enjoyable.
Bill Previdi, USPTA
I'm reminded of this scripture...
so he explained to them: “I tell you the truth, I am the gate for the sheep. All who came before me were thieves and robbers. But the true sheep did not listen to them. Yes, I am the gate. Those who come in through me will be saved. They will come and go freely and will find good pastures. The thief's purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life. John 10:7-10
Jesus is for us, Jesus is for me :) Lord, help me let go and enjoy a rich and satisfying life that you have planned, for your glory. It's not easy, but def worth it!