Dark and rainy, that just makes a day of rest seem justified. It's already been a taxing week. So far this is what my week has looked like...Monday morning 3 hours of playing tennis, Tuesday cross fit, and Wednesday running and abs. Demands of work and life of course add to the breakdown physically, spiritually, mentally and emotionally. By Wednesday or Thursday I'm usually ready for a break from workouts that are high stress. I'm not talking about taking a Sabbath, just rest from physical activity. I hear often from talking with clients that they have a hard time resting. It's almost work to sit still, and how do you shut off your mind?
Before we talk about how to rest lets look at some benefits. I'm a women, so yes, sometimes a 'how to' is necessary when your having a hard time 'just doing'.
- More energy
- Better sleep
- Enhanced immunity
- Increased concentration
- Better problem-solving abilities
- Smoother emotions (less anger, anxiety, and frustration)
- Less headaches and pain
For some clues that your body is craving physical rest lets review symptoms of over-training. According to my Fit & Well resource Overtraining is defined as a condition caused by training too much or too intensely, characterized by lack of energy, decreased physical performance, fatigue, depression, aching muscles and joints, and susceptibility to injury. The amount of exercise it takes to get to this point is going to vary depending on the individual. The Olympic athlete is going to have a higher training threshold than a sedentary person. A personal trainer is great to help set goals to increase levels of fitness that incorporate progressive overload. Progressive overload I can best explain as GETTING RESULTS (I'm talking positive results, not results of overtrianing). It's important, too little exercise will have no effect on fitness and here we have the topic on hand, too much, may cause injury.
Some signs/symptoms of overtraining:
- Fatigue
- Persistent muscle soreness
- Increased susceptibility to infections
- Increased incidence of injuries
- Irritability
- Depression
- Loss of motivation
- Insomnia
- Decreased appetite
- Glycogen depleted/ increased cortisol levels
- Weight loss
- Lack of ability to concentrate
- Decreased sports performance
- Diminished powers of endurance, strength, speed, increase in recovery time
- reduced readiness for action, fear of competition, giving-up in face of difficult situations
As a believer and follower of Jesus I'm interested in what the one who is most concerned has to say. The first thing the Holy Spirit reminds me of is the promise that in His presence you will find rest.
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” Matthew 11:28
I often times find myself in the need of rest and my idea of rest is not possible. Not only are there responsibility’s that need attention until I can find that place of stillness, but I also have to perform physically. So here we have the need for rest while still carrying out the demands of work, family, social commitments, whatever it is. A friend gave me a copy of a bible study she is leading, it's from 'Women of Faith, Jesus Lives'. I like what it has to say here:
MY PRESENCE WILL GO WITH YOU, AND I WILL GIVE YOU REST. Sometimes when you are quite weary, all you can think about is finding rest. As a result, your awareness of My Presence grows dim. I assure you, though, that even when your attention falters, Mine remains steadfast. Rejoice that the One who always takes care of you has an infinite attention span!
Even the most devoted parents cannot be constantly attentive to their children: They have to sleep some of the time. Also, they can be distracted by other demands on their attention. Many deeply loved children have drowned when their devoted parents took their eyes off them ever so briefly. Only I have the capability of watching over My beloved children continually- without the least interruption.
side note: I am also reading the biography of Mary Beth Chapman. Now there is a strong woman who has a story of tragedy, but also a deep desire to see God turn for good what Satan meant for evil! Now back to the study insert...
Instead of worrying about where and when you will find rest, remember that I have promised to provide it for you. Worrying wastes vast quantities of energy- the very thing you need most to help you reach a resting place. If you were driving a car with little gas in the tank and the nearest service station was far away, you would drive carefully and steadily- so as to minimize gas consumption. Similarly, when you are low on energy you need to minimize consumption of this precious commodity. Go gently and steadily through your day, looking to Me for help. Rest in the knowledge that My watch/care over you is perfect. Thus, you make the most of your limited energy. Whenever you are struggling with weariness, come to Me and I will give you rest.
The past couple weeks the Lord has had me in the first couple chapters of John. The popular verse John 3:16 I love, but it also has been pressing on my heart because I hear it so often used as a feel good verse while the verses to follow are ignored. It says, “For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.” This is defiantly one of the best sum ups of the gospel. There is so much loaded in those few words. When it comes to eternity and our eternal resting place I'm pretty sure it might be a good idea to get a full understanding on what God means here in John 3:16. Complete rest is usually done in the dark, right? Since Jesus is light and it's impossible to be completely in the dark while abiding in Him I believe there is a difference here between resting in the dark and choosing to live in the dark. Continuing the chapter starting at John 3:17-- “God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him. There is no judgment against anyone who believes in him. But anyone who does not believe in him has already been judged for not believing in God's one and only Son. And the judgment is based on this fact: God's light came into the world, but people loved the darkness more than the light, for their actions were evil. All who do evil hate the light and refuse to go near it for fear their sins will be exposed. But those to do what is right come to the light so others can see that they are doing what God wants”
When it comes to dark and light the enemy can twist God's word leading people to believe they have light when it is actually darkness. No condemnation here. I'm not a fan of being lied to and I believed I had light for a long time while it was actually darkness. Satan is a liar and there is a war for souls going on, my prayer is that you experience the true love of God in full measure.
This leads into the next part of my friends bible study. I mentioned earlier about 'how to' rest. I am envious of people who can so easily leave work at work or stresses of relational issues on hold to engage in mindless activity. Honestly this is where we are going to be the most vulnerable to the enemies tactics, when we are tired and weak and in the need of something. The second part of this Women of Faith insert is worth quoting:
THOUGH YOU SIT IN DARKNESS I WILL BE YOUR LIGHT. Sometimes you need to rest in the shadows. If you continue pushing yourself- ignoring how weary you are- you may collapse altogether. Many of my followers drive themselves to the point of exhaustion or utter discouragement, while pretending everything is all right. Your enemy the devil rejoices- even gloats- when he sees this happening. He understands the power of pretense to weaken My children till they are easy prey for him.
Do not panic when you have fallen, for you will rise again. Be content to sit in darkness while I refresh your spirit, mind, and body. I am as fully present with you when you are sitting as when you are standing or walking. Look for Me in the shadowy place where you find yourself now. I want to shelter and nurture you under My wings, where you will find refuge. While you are relaxing, I will be your Light- protecting, healing, and restoring you.
When My work of restoration is finished, you can crawl out from under My wings: ready to rise again and continue your journey. My Presence will go with you, illuminating the way before you- strengthening and encouraging you. Hope in Me, My child, for you will again praise Me for the help of My Presence.
As a little girl I spent many Sundays going to church with my Papa and my Mom. I didn't see my need for Jesus and repent until I was 25, but I do remember Sundays and the presence of God that was there with us. Not so much in the religion or the traditional church we attended but more so in the loving and gentle character of my Papa. And the way my mom would put her arm around me and hold my hand when we sang the songs. We had family dinners and played games. My papa went to be with Jesus a couple weeks ago. He talked about his relationship with Jesus often. He especially liked the Psalms and 91 was special to him because, well, He tells the story like this... he got cut off in traffic one day and the license plate that ended up being in front of him said Psalm 91 on it. He said he couldn't be mad after that.
In honor of my Papa...
Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. Psalm 91:1