Saturday, November 12, 2011

It's a matter of the heart

What is the Current Exercise Recommendation?

I was asked “What is the current recommendation for daily exercise these days to maintain physical fitness?”. So I did some homework to see if it has changed since my college days when the standard according to ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine) was 30 minutes or more of physical activity daily. At least that is what I remember it being. It could be done at one time or accumulated throughout the day. That is just bare minimum for heart health. To improve fitness they say endurance activity should be performed 3-5 days/week and complementary flexibility and resistance training should be done 2-3 days/week. The format includes a warm-up period (about 10 mins), an endurance/stimulus period (20-60 mins), and a cool-down period (about 10 mins).

My main reason in looking into this is to address the population who will not engage in structured exercise programs. The 'easy breezy' 30 minutes of SoMeThInG still applies even if a gym type environment is not for you. According to CDC (Centers for Disease Control) evidence has shown that regular participation in moderate intensity physical activity most days of the week is associated with health benefits, even when VO2max remains unchanged. Exercise Intensity is measured in METs (metabolic equivalents). The moderate intensity range we are talking about here is 3-6 METs. I have a side note that says 3 METs is equivalent to walking 3mph. I was awake in college!! ;) I just talked with my Nannie (my grandma) and she said she was going to start walking her dog everyday....GO Nannie!!!

After doing some research I am finding that some guidelines are now up to 60 minutes of activity daily. The Institute of Medicine says 60 minutes of real exercise (not just daily routine) is necessary to maintain cardiovascular health and ideal body weight. They are aware that most people are unlikely to meet this standard. However, their research does support that 20-30 minutes of moderate exercise 5 days a week may not shed pounds but it will do your heart a lot of good.
The Department of Health and Human Services recommends 150 mins of moderate aerobic activity (300 for more increased benefits) and 75 mins of vigorous activity a week, along with strength training twice a week. They agree with the goal of 30 minutes minimum of exercise everyday for health benefits, and it can be split up into shorter time increments (ex. 10 minutes at a time).

For more incentive to get moving → According to Dr. Gordon Blackburn (Director of Cardiac Rehabilitation, Preventive Cardiology and Rehabilitation Program):
  • For patients with heart disease who engage in regular, aerobic exercise there is approximately a 25% reduction in mortality over a 1–3 year time period.
  • For individuals who are regularly active and who do not have documented heart disease there is a 50% reduction in risk of death from a heart attack.
One last source, a trusted friend of mine who is a psychologist, highly supports the theory that daily exercise is a highly effective means to fight depression. She said she read about a study done in Thailand that concluded 15 minutes of moderate exercise daily could do your heart good. I know some who would like that finding!
What they all seem to agree on is that it is going to vary depending on the individuals needs, goals, and lifestyle. Bottom line is, do something!

How Fitt are you???

Endurance Testing → VO2max is the term used for maximal oxygen uptake. It is the criterion measure of cardiorespiratory fitness, related to the functional capacity of the heart. Easiest way to test this is done on a treadmill with a mile walk/run test. A cycle test or step test can also be used.

Strength Testing → Muscular Strength refers to the maximal force that can be generated by a specific muscle or muscle groups. Generally the best way of testing is the 1-repetition maximum (1RM), the heaviest weight that can be lifted only once using good form.

Muscular Endurance Testing → The ability of a muscle group to execute repeated contractions over a period of time sufficient to cause muscular fatigue. Basically the amount of maximum voluntary contractions (reps) a person can do without rest. Most commonly tested by pushups and curlups (crunches).

Once you start it's a lifestyle

I am often asked and I hear it debated: The Consequences of a reduced exercise dosage or complete cessation of training in physically conditioned persons. People tell me all sorts of things, like they heard you lose strength gains after weeks, or days, or months . Let's see what we can find in this subject...

  • According to studies a significant reduction in cardiorespiratory fitness occurs within 2 weeks of stopping intense endurance training.

  • As far as strength training goes, studies showed that a reduced training frequency or duration will not effect VO2max or muscular strength IF the training intensity is maintained with one strength training session/week. (That is probably good news for those who visit their trainers once a week to maintain!)

Outside the box ideas for exercise

Okay so I have to say it... Take the stairs instead of the elevator, park far away from the entrance, clean house, take extra steps in your day, and so on...honestly that is boring and I hate parking far from where I am going just to walk extra!

Trying to brainstorm some ideas that are considered heart healthy to get the recommended amount of activity...things that we may forget about:
  • play with your kids
  • go bowling
  • dance! (in a class or at home)
  • workout at home
    • body weighted exercises are great (push ups, squats, lunges, crunches, creative)
    • get some free weights, or a kettle bell, or a medicine ball, or bands, or an exercise ball...and use what you get!
    • try an exercise video
  • long or short walks- try different scenery
  • bike...swim...jog
  • horse back riding
  • roller-skate!?
  • play tennis, or raquetball, golf, or catch
  • play basketball (when was the last time you played a game of horse?)
  • yardwork (ick!)
  • volunteer somewhere

Ideas to get motivated:
  • sign up for a local run/walk,
  • sign up for a local team (softball, volleyball, whatever)
  • do an activity with a friend/spouse
  • pick a bad habit and change it, or at least consider it
  • replace negative thoughts with positive ones
  • take a look at your time management- diffuse excuses and things that take away from allowing time for activity and a healthy lifestyle
  • cut out things that produce negative results, add things that produce positive results (even rest :)
  • try something new
  • call your trainer for a new workout! (even if its just a half hour)
  • SMILE :D
Any suggestions??? Let me know!!!

Information from:
American College of Sports Medicine guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription: Sixth Edition

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Avoid Overtraining and REST

Dark and rainy, that just makes a day of rest seem justified. It's already been a taxing week. So far this is what my week has looked like...Monday morning 3 hours of playing tennis, Tuesday cross fit, and Wednesday running and abs. Demands of work and life of course add to the breakdown physically, spiritually, mentally and emotionally. By Wednesday or Thursday I'm usually ready for a break from workouts that are high stress. I'm not talking about taking a Sabbath, just rest from physical activity. I hear often from talking with clients that they have a hard time resting. It's almost work to sit still, and how do you shut off your mind?

Before we talk about how to rest lets look at some benefits. I'm a women, so yes, sometimes a 'how to' is necessary when your having a hard time 'just doing'.
  • More energy
  • Better sleep
  • Enhanced immunity
  • Increased concentration
  • Better problem-solving abilities
  • Smoother emotions (less anger, anxiety, and frustration)
  • Less headaches and pain
For some clues that your body is craving physical rest lets review symptoms of over-training. According to my Fit & Well resource Overtraining is defined as a condition caused by training too much or too intensely, characterized by lack of energy, decreased physical performance, fatigue, depression, aching muscles and joints, and susceptibility to injury. The amount of exercise it takes to get to this point is going to vary depending on the individual. The Olympic athlete is going to have a higher training threshold than a sedentary person. A personal trainer is great to help set goals to increase levels of fitness that incorporate progressive overload. Progressive overload I can best explain as GETTING RESULTS (I'm talking positive results, not results of overtrianing). It's important, too little exercise will have no effect on fitness and here we have the topic on hand, too much, may cause injury.
Some signs/symptoms of overtraining:
  1. Fatigue
  2. Persistent muscle soreness
  3. Increased susceptibility to infections
  4. Increased incidence of injuries
  5. Irritability
  6. Depression
  7. Loss of motivation
  8. Insomnia
  9. Decreased appetite
  10. Glycogen depleted/ increased cortisol levels
  11. Weight loss
  12. Lack of ability to concentrate
  13. Decreased sports performance
  14. Diminished powers of endurance, strength, speed, increase in recovery time
  15. reduced readiness for action, fear of competition, giving-up in face of difficult situations

As a believer and follower of Jesus I'm interested in what the one who is most concerned has to say. The first thing the Holy Spirit reminds me of is the promise that in His presence you will find rest.
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” Matthew 11:28
I often times find myself in the need of rest and my idea of rest is not possible. Not only are there responsibility’s that need attention until I can find that place of stillness, but I also have to perform physically. So here we have the need for rest while still carrying out the demands of work, family, social commitments, whatever it is. A friend gave me a copy of a bible study she is leading, it's from 'Women of Faith, Jesus Lives'. I like what it has to say here:
MY PRESENCE WILL GO WITH YOU, AND I WILL GIVE YOU REST. Sometimes when you are quite weary, all you can think about is finding rest. As a result, your awareness of My Presence grows dim. I assure you, though, that even when your attention falters, Mine remains steadfast. Rejoice that the One who always takes care of you has an infinite attention span!
Even the most devoted parents cannot be constantly attentive to their children: They have to sleep some of the time. Also, they can be distracted by other demands on their attention. Many deeply loved children have drowned when their devoted parents took their eyes off them ever so briefly. Only I have the capability of watching over My beloved children continually- without the least interruption.
side note: I am also reading the biography of Mary Beth Chapman. Now there is a strong woman who has a story of tragedy, but also a deep desire to see God turn for good what Satan meant for evil! Now back to the study insert...
Instead of worrying about where and when you will find rest, remember that I have promised to provide it for you. Worrying wastes vast quantities of energy- the very thing you need most to help you reach a resting place. If you were driving a car with little gas in the tank and the nearest service station was far away, you would drive carefully and steadily- so as to minimize gas consumption. Similarly, when you are low on energy you need to minimize consumption of this precious commodity. Go gently and steadily through your day, looking to Me for help. Rest in the knowledge that My watch/care over you is perfect. Thus, you make the most of your limited energy. Whenever you are struggling with weariness, come to Me and I will give you rest.

The past couple weeks the Lord has had me in the first couple chapters of John. The popular verse John 3:16 I love, but it also has been pressing on my heart because I hear it so often used as a feel good verse while the verses to follow are ignored. It says, “For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.” This is defiantly one of the best sum ups of the gospel. There is so much loaded in those few words. When it comes to eternity and our eternal resting place I'm pretty sure it might be a good idea to get a full understanding on what God means here in John 3:16. Complete rest is usually done in the dark, right? Since Jesus is light and it's impossible to be completely in the dark while abiding in Him I believe there is a difference here between resting in the dark and choosing to live in the dark. Continuing the chapter starting at John 3:17-- “God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him. There is no judgment against anyone who believes in him. But anyone who does not believe in him has already been judged for not believing in God's one and only Son. And the judgment is based on this fact: God's light came into the world, but people loved the darkness more than the light, for their actions were evil. All who do evil hate the light and refuse to go near it for fear their sins will be exposed. But those to do what is right come to the light so others can see that they are doing what God wants”
When it comes to dark and light the enemy can twist God's word leading people to believe they have light when it is actually darkness. No condemnation here. I'm not a fan of being lied to and I believed I had light for a long time while it was actually darkness. Satan is a liar and there is a war for souls going on, my prayer is that you experience the true love of God in full measure.

This leads into the next part of my friends bible study. I mentioned earlier about 'how to' rest. I am envious of people who can so easily leave work at work or stresses of relational issues on hold to engage in mindless activity. Honestly this is where we are going to be the most vulnerable to the enemies tactics, when we are tired and weak and in the need of something. The second part of this Women of Faith insert is worth quoting:
THOUGH YOU SIT IN DARKNESS I WILL BE YOUR LIGHT. Sometimes you need to rest in the shadows. If you continue pushing yourself- ignoring how weary you are- you may collapse altogether. Many of my followers drive themselves to the point of exhaustion or utter discouragement, while pretending everything is all right. Your enemy the devil rejoices- even gloats- when he sees this happening. He understands the power of pretense to weaken My children till they are easy prey for him.
Do not panic when you have fallen, for you will rise again. Be content to sit in darkness while I refresh your spirit, mind, and body. I am as fully present with you when you are sitting as when you are standing or walking. Look for Me in the shadowy place where you find yourself now. I want to shelter and nurture you under My wings, where you will find refuge. While you are relaxing, I will be your Light- protecting, healing, and restoring you.
When My work of restoration is finished, you can crawl out from under My wings: ready to rise again and continue your journey. My Presence will go with you, illuminating the way before you- strengthening and encouraging you. Hope in Me, My child, for you will again praise Me for the help of My Presence.

As a little girl I spent many Sundays going to church with my Papa and my Mom. I didn't see my need for Jesus and repent until I was 25, but I do remember Sundays and the presence of God that was there with us. Not so much in the religion or the traditional church we attended but more so in the loving and gentle character of my Papa. And the way my mom would put her arm around me and hold my hand when we sang the songs. We had family dinners and played games. My papa went to be with Jesus a couple weeks ago. He talked about his relationship with Jesus often. He especially liked the Psalms and 91 was special to him because, well, He tells the story like this... he got cut off in traffic one day and the license plate that ended up being in front of him said Psalm 91 on it. He said he couldn't be mad after that.

In honor of my Papa...
Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. Psalm 91:1

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

time out

I just noticed the youtube link I posted in my previous post is not in english. 

So note to self:  turn on the volume before posting links.

I almost just wrote..what a Monday...and's tuesday..


Thursday, October 20, 2011

Tennis 101: Split Step

The split step is footwork.  The younger guys are so funny because they often like to tell me if the ball was too high, too low, or too far.  They are shocked when they realize they have to move their bodies to where the ball is.  Move your feet, any decent tennis coach will tell you that!
Tennis players use a split step as a move that transitions them from one shot to another.  It's a little hop type movement that is done in a ready position.  It's not necessary to really jump.  The purpose is to get you on the balls of your feet ready to move in any direction.  Much more effective than standing on your heels.  When the ball hits your opponents racquet you split step and then move whatever direction to get set up for a forehand, backhand, or rush the net.  Split Steps are used between volleys as well.  The key is to time it well.  Too early and you won't know what direction to anticipate the opponents shot.  This will help keep your eye on the ball too.  I see too many benefits, its worth taking note.  Younger players will probably not pick it up as quickly but the idea should at least be introduced. 
It becomes natural and you will notice the pros do it all the time.  It's important and easily overlooked when beginning.  This move will keep you on your toes.

Take a look at Nadal and Djokovic...see if you can notice their split step..

Here Maddie and Lauren have created their own ready dance.  I see a strong doubles team in the making.  The split step happened and they didn't even try..

Here is Cameron learning how to incorporate this move inbetween shots...

well..trying to video, toss balls, and not get hit is probably not the the best idea.  When I get hit they tell me to work on my duck and cover...

okay off the subject of split step for a quick second.  two moments of cuteness i had to pause and thank God for kids..
1.  when i told cameron to head to the add side of the court he asked me "whats the other side called, subtract?"  I love that!
2.  i was explaining to emily that you get two chances to serve and get it in.  if you miss the first you get a second.  she goes "oh, like packman.  you get two lives".  she is right!  just like packman :)

Monday, October 17, 2011

whoop for fall weather!!

As far as my workouts go.. this summer I somewhat commited my self to doing crossfit twice a week.  And this is how I fell about it...

haha...this is after a WOD and I'm beat!  This is prolly the WOD I told Shannon there was no way I could lift up that bar over my head one more time!  She thought about it, paced away, came back to tell me I was doing it.  Urghhh :P  And then I ripped my hand open...that was awesome...Shannon was so excited for my first battle wound!!  LOL I LOVE YOU FRIEND you are an awesome coach...thank you for encouraging me!

Pretty nasty, sorry!  It healed super quick :)  Okay, for real though the craziest most awesome thing I might have gained from crossfit is the mental toughness.  I'm not sure if its because the WODS are so challenging its extremely hard to focus on anything else but getting through whatever task you are on or what.  I'm usually a pretty competitive person.  When I play a tennis match I struggle with focusing too much on my performance during the stroke or what the score is.  I have been wanting that mental toughness back, the ability to tune out distractions when playing a point.  I was sort of shocked when I went out to play tennis after a couple weeks of doing crossfit that my mindset was calm and aggressive.  Not to mention it has increased my speed and reaction it!!
It's defiantly a plus that results do are a couple pics in my fave summer dress...

Well summer is over and I'm done with crossfit..jk :)  I am really looking forward to a season of rest and recovery.  Lord willing of course.  This fall weather we have in east TX is so wonderful and perfect for running.  I have enjoyed running pretty much ever since I have been into fitness. Weather permittng it's my first choice for a workout.  When traveling its so easy to throw running shoes in the suitcase and go jogging.  I haven't traveled too much but I defiantly remember runs in San Diego down the beach, stopping in random surfer type shops.  Also in Mesa enjoying the dry heat and desert climate.  I'm sort of a grandma so that is my extent of exciting runs.  I have been known to layer up and venture out into the snowing coldness in the burbs...just gota watch out for layers of ice.  You know, do the little slip and slide.. look around hoping no one noticed that moment of grace :))
While this weather lasts I'm going to soak it up and enjoying jogging the Rose Redman trail.  I am also enjoying strength and circuit training workouts 2-3 times a week.  I'm hoping to WOD a few times a month too...gota stay tough! 
Here's one from a recent 'strength/leg/just squat..i hate ben wods' workout.  Diana and I had a blast and made it through the whole thing!

Well it's time to train and then head to play in a doubles match.  I love the ladies on my uspta league!  I think we need a team name...or maybe we have one and I'm not aware yet...

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

my next 30 years

Isn't that a country song? I have always loved country music, and I'm convinced I'm a country girl at heart, even though I was raised in a suburb on the outskirts of Chicago. Seeing as my 30th birthday is coming, and, I mean its really coming, can't it just wait.. hold-on-im-not-ready! I guess I thought I would be 20 something forever and all these great things were suppose to happen in your 20's. On one hand there are so many things I thought would have happened by now and on the other hand in reflection its hard to believe so much was packed into there.

     Let's see my 20th birthday, I was a sophomore at Northern Michigan. That was the year I decided, well my mom highly recommended I major in 'health club' (laugh out loud). I was originally headed into elementary education after one year at a Jr. college near my parents house and one year at NMU. I started working with a private tennis coach at an athletic club to get ready for college tennis and became, well at the time obsessed with fitness. Working out and being healthy was still a huge interest and the idea of standing in a classroom full of kids in reality made me want to run! There you have it, major declared in Health and Fitness, year 20...thank you mom!
     By the end of my sophomore year in college I had sort of got away from being the girl who studied and worked out all the time and went back to old ways of partying my way through life. Did that pretty much all through high school, it was familiar. My 21st birthday I remember being excited not to have to use a fake id to get into the bar, risk the chance of it getting taken away and missing out. Fast forward a couple years....somehow, I made it through college and maintained a decent GPA. Let me say this about graduation, my family made the trip up north by car to be there, but I really think the main event was getting to see the house I lived at. Fitch Street house was not level at all. I promise you my room was on a downward slope. This is good too.. right out side my bedroom door was a huge HOLE in the floor at least 10 inches all the way around. My room was on the second floor and I just really wish I had a picture of that place because it was incredible.
     The end of Senior year I had prepared to take NASM to be a certified personal trainer. Now living back at my parents I hurried to get certified and get a job. I remember telling the fitness manager at East Lakeview Multiplex during my interview, that I was confident I wanted to be a trainer, had no experience yet and asked her to take a chance on me. Hands down, loved that place! Right around the corner from Wrigley Field and across the street from Lake Michigan. Trained there 3 full years and worked with some of the best people ever!!
     Okay I'm what, 25 now. My super awesome friend and I, who I lived with on Fitch street and played tennis with in college, decided we were going to go after the dream of having our own tennis club. In order to do that it only made sense we would need to learn how to teach tennis first. Ali had heard of a place in Tyler TX that had a program for that! I got it in my head that I was moving to Texas and couldn't wait to get there. We had been planning this for a couple years, and talked about it often during our days on Fitch. She was back in her home town in CO. Months before it was time to leave I got myself in a huge mess of trouble. Driving drunk, ran into an undercover cop car and spent the night in jail. Yeah, not a joke. As I laid there curled in a ball shaking, sick, cold, mickey mouse t shirt on, sweat pants, no contacts, can't see (pretty much drowning in a pool of my own sin), I remember thinking this is really bad over and over. That, and I heard someone say one time God was the closest in times like this..when He felt really far and you really needed Him the most. I don't know why but I kept thinking those two thoughts all night. Mom and Dad came to get me the next morning and all I was worried about was...did I mess up that bad I'm not going to make it to TX!? I also wondered what kind of condition my lil silver slug bug was in. Not to mention the feeling of being a failure lingered as it had come and gone growing up.
     Finally I had everything taken care of and court stuff cleared. I had to ride a bike half that year because my license was suspended until my lawyer got my driving privileges back somehow. The purple huffy from target was pretty awesome, just saying! I was hesitant to go back out to clubs after all that but got back into it and celebrated the send off down south. Upon arriving in Tyler I realized this is NOT what I expected my big adventure in Texas to look like. First of all the plan was one year.. get my tennis teaching certificate, meet a cowboy and move on to a tennis and fitness club on the beach. Brighter Days Beach Club is what I called it.

Going to bed now. I'm looking forward to reflecting on the next 5 years. I left out a lot, its just amazing to me to see everything come together. Honestly, I'm thankful to be alive looking through all that. I have met so many cool people and can't count the moments and events that have shaped my life. Makes me laugh because it was so out of character that I really packed up my car and drove to TX. It wasn't that wild, my dad drove and we had every form and kind of map you can think of. Dad had his brief case of course with the checklist on the yellow note pad out the whole time. The first two weeks here it rained pretty much every day. It rained so much it seemed like Texas was a tropical state. People seemed to move slower in everything they did. My fast paced, busy life had to slow down.

     Lets see, my 26th birthday. Ali was unable to return from a quick trip home to visit family, she hurt her shoulder and couldn't play tennis for a while. I was involved in a relationship at the time and my boyfriend hyped up my birthday present saying it was pink, silver, small, and I was going to love it so much I would call my mom and have to tell her about it right away. Well I went to the mail that day and got my first present saying that there was a warrant out for my arrest, my license plates were no longer valid and my drivers license was no good either. Something had not gone through right with the court system and the paper that said I was released from everything didn't get where it was suppose to be. It looked like I was just not appearing on my final court date. So I had this huge mess and no clue what I was going to do. Opened the second present.. the small pink shiny silver thing, it was a bible. Yeah, Happy Birthday right!?
     I had gotten a job training at the gym in town. Premier Fitness. I thought these people were sorta strange. They prayed before trainer meetings, yoga was not taught there because of their beliefs, and I encountered peers that seemed to not just talk about Jesus, but talk to he would talk back. My boyfriend got me to church a couple times. That took some major convincing because I thought I lived my life on purpose and in faith. I fought the invitation even though he told me there were a lot of nice people there who wanted to meet me. I was baptized as a baby and had read the Purpose Driven Life in college and surly I'm not that bad of a person. I thought I'm all good...right? I wanted to go but I had a lot of questions (go figure :P my favorite question as a kid...why?). I also felt scared, dirty, all kinds of ugly emotions. So yeah, I had a huge interest in attending church growing up but things were different now. My life was way messed up, I was way messed up, and I had no business being in someplace holy.
     About a year later the relationship was not going well, stuff was still not straightened out back home and I needed help. I was encouraged by a client to reach out to a friend. Well, I didn't have any friends I could talk to here. There was one girl that seemed sort of cool I had met in sunday school, the couple times I went. I had her phone number somehow. So I called her up. Told her my boyfriend and I had broken up and she told me, I will never forget this... “It's ok, well hang out, we'll go to this conference this weekend and I'll be there and Jesus will be there and its going to be ok”. I hung up the phone and was thinking to myself oh my god more jesus talk I can't handle this!
     Kori was and is still one of my best friends. She loved me right where I was at, and not going to lie she told me exactly what I didn't want to hear but needed to, often! By the time I was 27 I had learned about forgiveness of my past and surrendering my future. I had wanted to do good and live right. It was too good to be true that Jesus was going to rescue me from the mess I had created and make me into a new creation. Really, my past was forgiven and I was set free. Me, still extremely not perfect was accepted and loved by God. I was free to worship and live a life for Jesus. I mean I needed help, and someone to do something about my broken heart. I kept hearing that was the perfect kind of thing that God would want to do.
     I have been seeking and running after God since then. There has been a fair share of junk that I have walked out following the mountain top of receiving Christ's unconditional love. Stuff doesn't seem to stop coming up either. Deliverance and breaking free'er (pretty sure that's not a word, but it should be) are so worth it though... He walks through it with me. God is for me, full of love and compassion. He is there. He has always been there and always will be. No one is like you God! Now if that truth could get rooted deeper into my soul, what would that look like? There is a verse in the bible I really love, that talks about how no one can measure the depths of His understanding. So whatever it is...he understands.
     This just came to mind, it was at sales training from multiplex days I heard this, anyway....that people often times work out to avoid pain. Like to prevent injury, rehab an injury, compensate for over-eating, to feel better about themselves. We don't like pain. Just an hour ago I found out something that defiantly opened up an old wound. My immediate reaction is ,no, not going there and I'll deal with it later. Shove the anger and bitterness down a little deeper, its so much easier than confronting it. Forgiveness, I don't how..what does that even look like? People hurt us (especially the ones we love the most), our bad choices hurt us, loss hurts us. So could it be that we block God out of those places in our hearts that are wounded so we don't have to feel pain? Block out anything that might possibly hurt us, our has hurt us to avoid pain? If our hearts are blocked how can we fully love and receive love? An open heart to Gods light really is a beautiful thing, especially in super dark places. Some stuff that happens to us we have no control over, some we do. One thing remains, we can trust God. Trust with ALL your heart don't depend on your own understanding seek His will in ALL you do and He will show you which path to take. That verse from the book of Proverbs was the first bit of truth that really got rooted into my messy heart. He will love us in the most painful places, if we let him. Just a thought.
     I love living in the truth, and I can't stop saying love love :) It still blows my mind that I happened to work at a faith based fitness center. I'm so grateful Cune and Michelle (the owners of Premier Fitness) follow the Lord and live their faith out loud. Training at Premier has defiantly impacted my life! One of the first things Cune said to me was something about the Lord knows the plans he has for my life. Plans to prosper not to harm plans for a hope and a future.
     Let's see, God is so faithful. My goal when I came here was to get certified by the USPTA to teach tennis. That is a huge deal for me because growing up I always looked up to my tennis coaches and now I am one. April of this year I passed the nerve racking two day testing process and its official I'm a USPTA tennis professional. Fitness is still a huge deal for me and I can't imagine my life without it. The most important thing in my life now is Jesus, if you haven't picked up on that already. :) He rescued me, saved me, took my shame, redeemed me, forgave me, leads me, holds me, heals me, helps me, gives me joy and hope when all else is gone. I did nothing to earn or deserve that you see. I confessed I'm a sinner, died to my old ways and received a new life. The one that He died for on the cross.
     There are some things that are stirring in my heart that I'm excited about, and excited to see what the Lord does. It's gona be wild, its gona be great, its gona be full of Him (love that song). I'm still here, and IM GOING TO BE 30, ok ok jk.. I think I'm coming to grips with that and might start to embrace it, maybe. I do know this...I NEED GOD, and He's not done with me yet :) So my next thirty years, I'm not sure what they they look like...but pretty sure they will include brighter days.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Commit to the process

I think its safe to say many people jump into a fitness program or join the gym for one thing only....results. Then they jump out before they even start. To achieve anything worthwhile it usually takes time. I am reminding myself more and more lately to stay committed to what I’ve started and not give up on myself. The other day I opened a vitamin c drop that has little words of encouragement on the wrapper (sorta like a fortune cookie) and it said that very thing, don't give up on yourself. I was like woah, that's just what I needed to hear!

I'm all about getting results, and I want my clients to get results more than anything. I see the most success working with people who are actually enjoying what they are doing and have a plan with some sort of direction. When they start focusing on the end result only it takes all the fun out of the journey. I see this over and over with clients trying to reach a fitness goal. Usually it is to alter body composition. The scale doesn't move quick enough, or it does just in the opposite direction. The focus is so set on what the scale says or even the image seen in the mirror. The actual process of getting there becomes a drag. Defeat will set in very quickly if the focus is on the result alone. Or you might get there, but the satisfaction is short-lived. Personally, when I find myself going through the motions that's a red flag.

My eyes were opened up to this while coaching a high school tennis team. My assistant pointed out how most of the kids were not enjoying being out on the court playing, but were so concerned with the score and where they fell in the bracket “They aren't enjoying a single bit of this!” he would tell me and then walk off with his hands up. It made me think, am I living in the moment, or am I consumed with my laundry list of responsibility outside of enjoying a beautiful day and encouraging the team to be the best that they can be? I remember taking a moment, sitting back and taking a deep breath. I decided to actually start enjoying what I was doing.

A couple weeks ago I was reading an article in ADDvantage magazine on being a good doubles partner, even though I definitely prefer singles over doubles I thought I'd see what it had to say. After all, I am committed to a doubles league this fall so I guess I should try to be a decent partner. It had some really good points about relationships in general. To step up and do your best if the other person is struggling, build confidence in your partner, and don't coach your partner during the match because it leads to tension. To relay a strategy reference it to yourself, example would be that you have noticed its better to hit a passing shot down the middle rather than going for a more difficult shot down the alley. Its all about taking responsibility, trusting your partner, and being willing to do more than your fair share.

Insert from 'How to Become a Good Doubles Partner':
I hope by now you're realizing that the same things that make you a good spouse or friend also make you a good tennis partner. The willingness and desire to do more than your fair share, to share the credit and the blame, and stay calm under pressure are the keys. Wanting a result too much will make this even more difficult. If what you are seeking is to be able to fulfill your potential on a regular basis, short-term thinking and focusing on results rather than the process will never get you there and will make it much harder to connect with the other person.
I see so many people who look (and act) unhappy when they are playing matches. The only moment that matters to them is the moment the match ends. That will determine whether they will have relief or sorrow. In all my years of playing I have met very few players who truly love every minute of competition, regardless of the score or the result. But, those who do are the best partners. Work toward that goal and make your tennis experience much more enjoyable.
Bill Previdi, USPTA

I'm reminded of this scripture...
so he explained to them: “I tell you the truth, I am the gate for the sheep. All who came before me were thieves and robbers. But the true sheep did not listen to them. Yes, I am the gate. Those who come in through me will be saved. They will come and go freely and will find good pastures. The thief's purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life. John 10:7-10

Jesus is for us, Jesus is for me :) Lord, help me let go and enjoy a rich and satisfying life that you have planned, for your glory. It's not easy, but def worth it!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Cuteness on the Court!!

 "Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.  Matthew18:2-4

These kids make teaching tennis so much fun!  They make me laugh even when temps have been over 100 ev day this summer!!  We are ready for some cooler weather :)

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Marys got it goin on!!

I have been training with Emily for the past three years. Initially I came to Premier because I have always been and athlete and in shape. I got away for that, and hated it. Training has kept me accountable and on track. I know if I am not active during the week when I go to see Emily for my session she will kick my butt, because the workout will be all the more painful.
I felt better after just a couple weeks and started seeing recordable results in one month. So far I have gone down three pants sizes and I get compliments from strangers on my rockin' arms! The incentive to keep training is the challenging workouts that keep me moving forward.
-Mary Strand

mary, me, friend (spring 2010)

Since then she has lost 20ibs and gone down 2 dress sizes!!!

Summer 2011...

Her Favorite at home work out is 'the countdown'

10 squats, 10 pushups, 10 situps

9 squats, 9 pushups, 9 situps

8 squats, 8 pushups, 8 situps

7 squats, 7 pushups, 7 situps

6 squats, 6 pushups, 6 situps

5 squats, 5 pushups, 5 situps

4 squats, 4 pushups, 4 situps

3 squats, 3 pushups, 3 situps

2 squats, 2 pushups, 2 situps

1 squat, 1 pushup, 1 situps

Great when you are short on time and still want to get a workout in. Try and do it under 10 minutes!!

Friday, August 12, 2011

a new start

I love how we get a new start each day! Time to get organized and start doing the things I have been thinking about doing for... well a while. Like..

  • BLOG!!!

  • record my own personal workouts

  • get address in the address book

SO I just ran into Nicole at starbucks, now I'm going to be held accountable to blog...gah accountability :P I tell my clients to record food and workouts, time to practice what I preach. Also, I love writing letters and stuff but rarely do because I don't have any address written down! So send me your address please :))

Check out exercise pooh!! My awesome client Steph and I were laughing about this during training:D For some reason his light hearted spirit makes me smile...