Tuesday, March 27, 2012

hmmm, i'll try this...

Pinapple Chicken:  Marinaded the chicken in some pinapple juice.  Baked it...yum!

Pinapple and Veges:  Stirfired some veges with cut up pinapple.  Added a splash of water and the pinapple created some juice.  Broccoli, orange bell pepper, bean sprouts, and ginger root.  Ginger Root is good for digestion...check it out!  I wanted to add some Braggs Liquid Amino's but didn't  have any!  boo

Sweet Potato Fries: Tossed in lil bit of olive oil, cinnamon, basil, lil sea salt.  Baked em at 450, 20 mins...AMAZING!! I was sorta worried about that combo...but def recommend.

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