Monday, March 5, 2012

write it down!

I personally started keeping a journal/book of recipes in my new favorite cook book.  I  keep it close at hand and sometimes just take it to the store with me along with my list of groceries to get. Thank you Rose Heights for being so awesome and providing tools to live healthy in all areas! It's great for ideas and to pull open when cooking. I just started writing stuff in it and stuffing papers with recipes in it. It's my organized mess that I now can't live without in the kitchen!  The past month I have been moving and in transition.  Just like when traveling, during a move it's hard to stay on track and eat healthy. I HATE being off track and am learning to embrace the messy-ness of it all. But really, it is very possible to eat healthy on the road. This is why at least basic knowledge of nutrition is so important. Some may need a more detailed food journal if working toward a specific goal.  Anyway...

Workout log and Recipe/meal journal
Also, it has helped me so much during a time of transition to have my workout log written down and updated. If it's not written down I get to the gym in the middle of the week and have no idea what muscle groups I have done or no plan of what to do next.  I encourage people I train to keep a workout log, especially so they can look back on it for workout ideas.  This helps me to see what my clients are doing outside of their session with me.  What a great way to highlight success's and see what areas to focus on to improve.  SO write it down guys!  Thanks!! :))

If you are not currently focused on your health and fitenss and want to be just start and start SIMPLE.  A basic plan and goals then start keeping a log...WRITE IT DOWN!

Looking forward to posting some more specific workout's with exercises included!! AND starting the 40 day devotional that I planned on back in January. The process gets spread out. That's the beautiful thing about living healthy, the on-going process never ends!!!

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