Friday, March 16, 2012

Jordans Workout: Legs&Abs

I took some pics of Jordan working out this week during her training session!  She likes to lift weights twice a week and enjoys zumba and spin classes.  She has continued to lose body fat, increase her strength, flexibility and endurance...the healthy way!  Exercise and smarter food choices.  NO crash diets and exercise burnout.  So proud of you girlie :)
The warmup:  Elliptical and body weight squats

We started out with a couple mins on the elliptical
and agreed today would be legs and abs.

Body weight squats starting with a short
range of montion and increasing toward lowering
all the way to the step.

She has the flexibility to get there!

Exercise 1- Circuit 1: Toe Touches
Raise shoulders off ground
raise one leg up
reach arms up toward toe

Return to a full extension

Alternate the leg raised
20 reps
Move to next exercise

Exercise 2- Circuit 1: V sit with a Medicine ball twist
twist at the torso
bringing the MB to the floor
bring it side to side

keep abs tight
a neutral spine
& shoulders pulled back
raise feet off the ground if good form can be kept

20 reps
move to next exercise

Exercise 3- Circuit 1:  Walking Lunge
Keep abs tight, shoulders up, take a big step foward
heel to toe
bend both knees (back knee does not touch floor)
make sure front knee does not overpass toe

Great form here!

bring knee up to a balance
walk 10 lunges each way, 20 total

Repeat circuit 2-4x

Exercise 4- Circuit 2: Sit ups with Medecine Ball
Hold MB in at chest level
(holding above head would increase difficulty)
lower down

 20 reps
move to next exercise

Exercise 5- Circuit 2: Plank
with Hip Extension
Start position
hands directly under shoulders
Hips low
Abs tight
Spine neutral

Bring knee in toward chest

extend leg to full extension
Keep the core engaged so
lower back does not dip
and hips do not raise

alternate legs
20 reps
Move to next exercise

Try the same exercise with the MB
Make sure to keep good form

Notice my coffe to the side...looks about right :)

Exercise 6- Circuit 2: Reverse Lunge with Medicine Ball
Start with MB at chest
(holding ball above head would increase difficulty)
Standing both feet all the way on step
Step back into a lunge position
Keep shoulders up
Return to start position
Alternate legs
20 reps

Repeat circuit 2-4x

Exercise 7- Circuit 3: Diagnols
with Medecine Ball
Low to High

Lower as about to squat
rotate at torso
to bring MB to the lateral
side of the body

keeping arms extended
raise the ball to opposite side
Now hips and shoulders can rotate

Keep Abs tight
making sure not to let lower back arch

10 reps each side
 Move to next exercise

Exercise 8- Circuit 3: Leg Curls
In a prone position flex hamstrings
lower to start position

20 reps

Repeat circuit 2-4x

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