Wednesday, July 18, 2012

amazed, still

With his love, he will calm all your fears. Zephaniah3:17

This song came on my Pandora yesterday and I'm in love!  When we don't even realize it the Lord is delighting in us.  Our thoughts might not line up, but God.  But God is there and I'm not even going to try and tell you how he loves ...He's better at it than I am :)

Sitting and being vulnerable in his presence.  The walls come down and it's messy, and totally cool.  I have had a relationship with the Lord for a handful of years, and honestly it's still new.  I didn't even realize it but I have not sat and opened up my heart to the Lord in, well, long enough.  Hence, facebook hiatus.  I need to hear the Lord.  More than anything I need to hear the Lord.  Even if its quiet and I'm waiting, I need to hear the Lord.  I'm so lost without God.  Facebook was becoming such a suction cup to negative fruit in my thoughts and time.  I got sick of it.  Basically.  Yeah.

thats all :)

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