Friday, August 3, 2012

Demo Video

Wow, so here we go!  Here is a little sneak peak at fit 'n 5 video blogs I am working on.  I have so many fun things coming and can't hardly wait to share with everyone.  Set some goals today, shocking, I feel not so overwhelmed.  Putting things in perspective and setting goals that are do-able.  Thank you!  To my oh so patient friend, John, who sat with me and helped me plan out this whole new adventure.  'Reaching the Nations' I am calling it, through fitness and lifestyle training.  On a daily basis I sit and help others plan out how to reach fitness and lifestyle goals.  Then provide the tools to get there.  It really is nice to have someone help you do that.  Even though I squirmed at the idea of making goals.  After seeing that this can happen, my attitude went from 'this is to much' to 'i can do this'.  I can hardly wait to blog about 'how to set goals'.  I'm telling you, this is such a great thing to be able to do.  Anyone can set a goal, but are you reaching them?  If you are reaching them was it worth it?  Does the satisfaction leave you fulfilled or empty, striving for the next big thing.  Was the process in a nut shell......I don't have words there!!??  What is your process and where are you going with the goals you are setting?   Are you thinking now?  Or are you like me and tune out as soon as you hear the word 'goal'.  You know what you want and whatever happens, happens.  Whatever.  Whatever is SO one of my favorite words.  I have been known to dive into projects with a huge vision and lack of direction.  Whatever, I have goals now :P

Check out the super rough first video blog...

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